Page 253 - API 0415 ENG
P. 253

Electrically and pneumatically operated valves, sizes 15 and 18 mm

Sub-bases, size 18 mm

Standard executions

Version             Symbol  Code  Item

Intermediate                035321 SB18A

Intermediate                035322 SB18C
blank sub-base

End plate kit               035323 SB18CA
one inel and
one blank

Ported end                  035324 SB18AA
plates (2 of)

Manifold                    035325 SB18T                                                                                2
plate                                                                      Die-cast aluminium
                                                                           Seals: Nitrile rubber (NBR)
Mounting                                                    Materials:     Screws: Zinc plated steel
bracket for
single valve                035151 PF1518

Interface for               035157 SB1518                   The intermediate sub-base kit includes:
sub-base from size                                          	 2 screws and 1 seal for mounting the valve
15 mm to 18 mm                                              	 2 screws and 1 seal for assembling the manifold.
                                                            The end plate kit includes:
The blank intermediate sub-base can be used to sepa-        	 2 screws and 1 seal for assembling the manifold.
rate 2 inlets at different pressures on the same manifold.  The interface kit includes:
                                                            	 2 screws and 1 seal for assembling the manifold.

Type: S B18A                                               Type: SB1518

A B CDE F                                                    ABCDE FGH I J
82 8,5 30 1,1 16 18,2                                       1/4” 87 7 37 20 1,1 16 75 4,5 3

Type: SB15CA                                               Type: PF1518

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